Friday, November 10, 2017

November Already

     I can not even believe we are already through ten days in November.  If you are like me as a photographer or person in general who makes art you are thinking about what to get people for Christmas and also how to keep advertising your work to keep working till the last day of the year.  You are probably also thinking how in the world am I supposed to get holiday shopping, wrapping, and cooking, etc. finished?  Why is it always a never ending to-do list during the holidays and only begins during the first of November. 
     I have to begin by promoting my hand made gold and silver leaf pieces as much as I can through emails and on social media.  Then I have to make the time to shop for gifts and make the list out.  Am I the only one who makes lists anymore?  I really hope not they are really helpful.  You should just see my notebook that I have filled with lists!  This is what happens when you are a creative artist as working a part-time job.
     I really should be promoting by hand made pieces that are on wood blocks covered in gold and silver leaf pieces. So here are some photos.

 My Artwork Set up at Birmingham Artwalk

My Artwork setup at the Tartan Classic Marketplace

My Artwork setup at the Tartan Classic Marketplace

     But I also want to know how you find out about your favorite hand made art pieces and do you go to home shows?  What hours are the most convenient hours for you to attend if someone does a home show for you to come?  I love hearing your opinions.

As always follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and thank you for reading!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Opportunities in September!

     I can honestly say that I would never have dreamed that I would have entered myself in not one but three art shows in basically a one month time frame.  But I did and I am so excited that I did.  I had so much fun at the Highlands Country Club Art Show that helps raise money for a scholarship fund.  During this after show week I made a few more connections, saw some of the people who have been supporting me for years and took photos for more of my handmade work.
     I already knew I was going to be in another art show near the same location as the Highlands Country Club Art Show towards the end of September so I started making my digital skins before I left for my first art show.  The art show at the end of September is called Tartan Marketplace and I am thrilled to be a part of it.  But more about that one probably on my social media sites.
     The one I am very excited about is this weekend in my hometown called the Birmingham Artwork.  It takes place over two days in downtown Birmingham.  The dates are Friday, September 8th and Saturday, September 9th.  When I got the email last weekend they had found a place to put me I was thrilled.  I knew it was short notice, but it is such an exciting opportunity to exhibit my work.  These opportunities help me get my name out there and to tell people about my handmade artwork.  I have no idea what will happen at the art shows in September.  I know though that I will have to do a lot of promoting for the next couple month!  

The entrance to the art show at Highlands Country Club

My art work at the Highlands Country Club art show

For more news follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram 

#artshows #alabamaphotographer #handmadart #allierayphotography #birminghamartwalk2017

Monday, July 31, 2017

August is for Art Shows

     As July is coming to a close and August is about to begin I am so happy to begin getting ready for an art show that I have participated in for the last five years in Highlands, NC.  Each year at this art show I always feel like I have a great audience of people who really show an interest in my work.  They also try to find me and ask me questions about my work which I am always happy to answer.  But I have to tell you when I am explaining my artwork they all look 100% confused.
     Art shows sometimes can be nerve-wrecking, because for some of them we have to fill out an application.  We have to wait to see if we will be partaking in the event.  If it is an art show that has a party along with it or a festive theme more people come to see the art.  Sometimes though it is all about how much you as an artist promote the event and your work.  Every time I prepare myself for an art show whether it is in my hometown or I am traveling to it -- 'I say to myself I will be happy if I sell one or if someone is interested in my work.'  I try to make sure I relax and remember that it is a process becoming an ARTIST ---- it does not happen over night and never give up.  Another key thing to remember is to always be patient when people begin asking you about your work.  You might get the same question over and over again.  The more you are willing to talk to people about your work, the more they will want to work with you as an artist and as a person.

Some of my gold and silver work you might see at the Art Show in North Carolina!

Thank you for reading and as always follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Photography puts A SMILE on my FACE

     I have been trying to come up with the perfect blog post for a while now, but I can't so I am just going to talk about how for the past year I have been trying to do more of my photography since my bike accident last July 2016.  I was hit by a car while riding a bike in France.  Since then I have really been trying to get more business and keep doing my photography.  Because photography is what really makes me happy.  I have been working on my social media to try to gain people's attention with my work past and present.  I have been trying to connect with more creatives whether it is through the internet or trying to make it to a meeting in person.

     Here is the thing that I have learned since I got hit by a car -- I love photography and that is definitely my passion.  I will work as hard as I can to get people to see that.  I love photographing my nephews and niece.  I have fun photographing birthday parties and events.  I even photographed someones clothes they designed for them this year.

     I really enjoy however making my photography into art pieces.  I mean printing them on the digital skins then laying them on the woodblocks that I have covered in gold or silver leaf.  I know you are thinking what in the world is this girl talking about right now.  But printing photos is part of photography.  The quality of paper that you print your photos makes your photograph.  So yes let me print your photographs or help you capture your special moments.  Photography puts a smile on my face.

Here are some of my pieces:

And for more news follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram 

Friday, May 5, 2017

Time Management

     Honestly, I thought I was always good maybe even great at time management until this past weekend.  Somehow I let the month of April fly by me without a second thought.  Maybe it was due to the fact I was super excited that I had a niece born this month.  I have also been editing these adorable dog photos from the Mutt Strut benefiting Hand in Paw that was over Easter Weekend.  I am not really sure, but when I realized last weekend I only had 2 weeks - 14 days until the PreSchool Partner Food Truck Round Up and Art Show (for more information about the art show click here) I was like WAIT!  I honestly thought I had another weekend somewhere between April 22nd and May 6th!  Nope, nada, wrong!  I worked a lot over the weekend and even skipped taking my dog a good long walk.
     Time management is hard and I know I struggle with it sometimes.  During these times when you realize you have way to much to do make sure you do some things for yourself as well.

Some suggestions:

1.  If it is nice out take a short walk (if you have a dog take your dog with you).  I take my dog on several short walks during the days I have to work on art all day.  Sometimes we sit outside on one of our breaks.  This always refreshed my mind.

2.  If you are like me sometimes you forget about eating when you realize you don't have a lot of time.  Make sure you make time to eat.  If you have friends or family close by schedule a meal with them so you are able to take a break from your art.

3.  Always schedule your time for your art, exercise, grocery shopping, etc. or at least try.  Calendars are great.  I have a paper calendar from Erin Condren click here to personalize your own.  I love how there is a column for a to do list each week! I also use my calendar on my cell!

#timemanagement #allierayphotography #birminghamphotographer #alabamaphotographer #artshow

As always follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram for more news!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Don't Throw in the Towel!

     You know those times while you are running your own business you want to throw in the towel?  DON'T!  I repeat DON'T.  I know everyday is a struggle to find clients, working on SEO, and even reworking your website.  You try to make sure your website is up-to-date and attracting your ideal client.  You begin to think you are doing everything wrong.  I just can't let you give up.  I believe so much that we are all meant to be doing what we are striving to do in life.  You might notice it takes some people less time than you, but trust me they all struggled when they began.  
     I am going to be honest for a second everyday I think is my photography (Allie Ray Photography) business worth it?  Then I make someone happy with my work and I know it is!  The thing that I remember while being in this art world is that I just have to have confidence.  Confidence goes a long way.  I painted two paintings in the last month and was so happy with how they turned out.  I was even happier when my client was happy with them when she saw them.  I have been working harder on my social media to get people to know my work (I post more than I used to post).  I have been following advice from other members of the #risingtidesociety group on Facebook - check them out here.  The one thing I can't do is give up on my #photography

Here are a few reasons why I can't give up on my #photography or in other words my #dreams

1.  Every time I make a piece of #artwork and see someone smile it makes me smile. 

2.  I enjoy making my #handmadeart so much! I wish everyone could see it in person, but it is just so unique.

3.  While I make art I feel like I have a connection with my dad who taught me to notice all the details in life.  He also taught me to stop and admire the beauty in life.  I love sunsets, because of him.  

4.  I have people who believe in me!

     I know these are very simple reasons, but it is my truth on why I can't give up on my #photography dreams.  And in case you have not heard my Spring Mini Sessions are coming up soon. #springminis

Thank you for taking the time to read!  Here are some other ways to stay connected with me: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram 

#birminghamphotographer #bhamphotographer #alabamaphotographer #allierayphotography

Monday, February 6, 2017

Finding a Way to Make Art Less Stressful

     There are days I wonder how people make art not stressful for them.  Most artists begin their career, because they dislike their 9 to 5 job or they love art.  I love photography, but the other day I was painting for a client and I remembered how relaxing it was to paint.  I used to paint all the time when I was in middle school and high school for fun.  It was a way to do something other than read or go play outside.  I used my mom's old acrylics.  My mom is a painter who uses oils!  The thing that is crazy about my painting is that from one painting I did for fun I have had two commissions from it.
     How do you balance making art fun during the stressful times?  We have commissions, due dates, and lives.  I took to #social media and asked fellow artists on The Rising Tide Society page on Facebook and was able to get some great replies.  
     I heard from one artist named Kate Heitkamp say, "I take breaks to write out what I'm thankful for, either on my big office white board, or in a journal."  I have a journal also so I was like check that one off the list.  
     Next I heard from Tammy Roede Murray who said, 'I go outside and think small when life, photo work or the day job gets stressful, Macro is my escape.... no clients telling me what they want, no one to pose (I really struggle here because I get so shy and uncomfortable giving direction).... just bugs and flowers, water droplets and mushrooms!  This is something I try to do, but I definitely need to do more of in the future.
How awesome is this image by Tammy Roede Murray?
     Last I heard from Michele Bourquin who is a painter.  She said, "I'm a painter.  I try to stagger my work - commission piece.... independent piece.... commission piece etc.  It relieves the stress of commission work." 
      There are so many ways we can make art more and not #stressful.  We have to remember to maintain the balance between friends, family, work, social media, and everything else in our life.  We need to make time for ourselves.  Balance is definitely my answer for keeping art fun!

As always please follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

#birminghamphotographer #alabamaphotographer #art #fun 

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Social Media

     I just want to discuss my love/hate relationship with Social Media.  #SocialMedia has now become the number 1 thing to promote my photography business is through my Instagram and Facebook.  They have however set up if you don't get the likes and comments no one ever sees your posts.  So you have to pay for followers!  You try word of mouth and getting your work in stores.  The stores change their style or people come in and say they like your work, but they just do not follow through with buying it.  You keep trying to sell your work and keep working hard to promote your name.  You have business cards with you in your purse constantly to give to people.  You tell people about what you do even though you are an introvert and would love to be sitting at home editing photos with your dog.  They say post at least once day, but two to three times is ideal!  They tell you to make your feed look cohesive!  You try, but how do you do that?  You make digital skins that you put on gold or silver leaf woodblocks.  You have photographed at rehearsal dinners, engagement parties, birthday parties, sip and sees, traveled around the world, and baptisms.  You have been a second shooter at a wedding.  These people are experts and get contacts through #Instagram and #Facebook throughout the year.  You blog fairly regularly, but have not gotten comments and feedback.  
     Now my opinion on this is probably different then everyone else's.  I believe we should all have a life away from #socialmedia and get outside.  Maybe spend some time with your family and friends. So I show photos from hikes and tell you how fun it is to #optoutside.  I have a part- time job, try to exercise daily, and work on eating healthy while trying to maintain my photography business.  I 100% take my business seriously and get all my work done for my clients!  I work with them.  I might not post everyday, but when I do I hope you enjoy what I post and take the time to read what I write.  I love hearing from all of you.  

Ruffner Mountain, Alabama

A View in Alabama

Would you want to miss an opportunity, because of #socialmedia if you had the chance to see something new?

Please follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Contact me for more information on my prices

#SocialMedia #birminghamphotographer 

Friday, January 13, 2017


     The other day I was meeting someone for coffee and later that afternoon I began thinking of what I wanted to talk to you all about in my next blog post.... Mentors!!  Mentors are very important in our lives these days.  Eventually your mentor could even become a friend you want to hang out with weekly or monthly.  You go to this person for advice or even when you just want another opinion.  Mentors may have been through some of the things we are trying to figure out doing today or even a month from now.  You do not only find them in business, but when you go to the gym.  You have that one friend who you may have met in your class you go to for advice.  Mentors sometimes are your age or maybe they are a bit older than you.  They may have been in your life since you were young, but somehow they were put in your life to help you.  According to a mentor is a wise and trusted counselor or teacher; or an influential senior sponsor or supporter.  Both of these are a great definitions.  Some of my mentors have become more like family.  Who are your mentors?  Where did you find your mentors?

     Meet two of my mentors who are like older sisters.  I have gone to them many times for advice while growing up.  They babysat me when I was younger.  The one on my left asked me to be her oldest daughters godmother.  I love how much they have helped mentee me into who I am today.

Follow me Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more of Photography!

#mentor #photography #birminghamphotographer