Friday, November 10, 2017

November Already

     I can not even believe we are already through ten days in November.  If you are like me as a photographer or person in general who makes art you are thinking about what to get people for Christmas and also how to keep advertising your work to keep working till the last day of the year.  You are probably also thinking how in the world am I supposed to get holiday shopping, wrapping, and cooking, etc. finished?  Why is it always a never ending to-do list during the holidays and only begins during the first of November. 
     I have to begin by promoting my hand made gold and silver leaf pieces as much as I can through emails and on social media.  Then I have to make the time to shop for gifts and make the list out.  Am I the only one who makes lists anymore?  I really hope not they are really helpful.  You should just see my notebook that I have filled with lists!  This is what happens when you are a creative artist as working a part-time job.
     I really should be promoting by hand made pieces that are on wood blocks covered in gold and silver leaf pieces. So here are some photos.

 My Artwork Set up at Birmingham Artwalk

My Artwork setup at the Tartan Classic Marketplace

My Artwork setup at the Tartan Classic Marketplace

     But I also want to know how you find out about your favorite hand made art pieces and do you go to home shows?  What hours are the most convenient hours for you to attend if someone does a home show for you to come?  I love hearing your opinions.

As always follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and thank you for reading!


  1. Very pretty! I think custom art is so cool. I'd love to have more variety in my house!

    1. Thank you! I hope one day you have a variety in your home!

  2. I love a good custom art piece. I actually find out about my pieces through my friends. Since we're all creatives, we all try to support each other. So my painter friend? You bet I have her paintings up in my home. The friend who draws I commissioned to draw my pups. Every friend who does art, I do my very best to support. And they do the same in exchange! It's great.

    1. That is so cool. I love that all of you support each other.

  3. I've never been to a home show. I find a lot of my favorites from festivals, markets, and even small shops. I love art and to shop small!

    1. I have only been to a few home shows, but yes I love to shop small and find art as well.

  4. These are so pretty! I love hand made art and find out about a lot of art via friends and family who make it or know someone who does. Word of mouth seems to be the best advertising...even with all of the social media out there these days.

    1. I hope word of mouth helps me and the social media. Thank you!

  5. They're so pretty! I usually run a little research of local artists and then go to all home shows I can :)

  6. I love seeing art tables! So much is digital in this day in age, that I am always in awe of beautiful prints!

    1. I agree so much is digital that we need to remember prints.

  7. Oh my gosh! I literally just finished my to do list for November, and I can totally relate!! I’m the worst at decorating and buying artwork, so I’m probably not the best person to answer your questions, but I just followed you on Instagram!

    1. Oh good I am glad I am not the only who makes to do lists. And thank you for the follow on the Instagram.

  8. Your artwork is so lovely! I usually go to craft shows or art walks in my area to look for creative art pieces.

  9. I would love to see these close up. I make a TON of lists. How else would you keep track of things? Your photography is gorgeous

    1. Thank you I post some of these on Instagram. I think the best way to see these are in person!

  10. Your artwork is stunning! Love all the fall colors!

  11. Yup! We are alike. I'm dealing with the same stresses as well. There are just not enough days in the year. Lol
