Friday, August 12, 2016

The Truth about Fear

     Starting a business is scary!  Why did I do it?  Because I wanted to follow my passion of being a photographer.  Sometimes during the first few years of any business or new endeavor we have fears. We have to knock those fears down with our head held high.
     Today, I want to talk to you about an accident that happened to me over the summer.  A little over a month ago while I was on vacation in France with my family a car hit the bike I was riding.  I was in shock, but I was hungry.  While waiting for the ambulance in France with my cousin and his wife and a bunch of people speaking French I was eating m&m's and having some water.  You never know how organized you are until they are asking you for every detail like your medicine, your birthday, your insurance, your passport, and so on.  I had my phone with me so I could take photographs when I was not taking photos them with my DSL camera.  In my phone I had a list of all the medicine I take daily.  I had my passport on me since we were changing hotels, my ID, my health insurance card (like it would really help in another country), and I knew my birthday.  Did you know in Europe when they write down your birthday they write the day then month?
     Since arriving back to the states I have had irrational fears.  I have to keep telling myself I am stronger than I really am.  I walked away from being hit by a car while riding a bike with only seven stitches on my chin, a few places where skin came off, and a big bruise on my leg.  I still however see someone riding a bike with no helmet and want to yell 'idiot' at them or I see a biker not obeying the traffic laws and have a mini panic attack where I have to take a deep breathe to relax.  I see a child riding a bike when I pull into my apartment complex where cars are trying to park (not focusing on the child at all).  I want to say something calmly, but inside my head is saying 'I just got hit by a car please use the sidewalk.'
     The thing about fears whether it be in a business or from an accident it is not always easy.  We have to work hard.  We have to be BRAVE and keep putting our name out their for people to see we are available.  We have to tell people about our unique business and how it might be different from others.  We have to be vulnerable.  We have our supporters who have followed us from the very beginning.  We have people who are spreading our name out in their the community.  We have to do our part and say fear is not going to keep me from what I love doing.  I am going to keep doing my photography.

Thank you for reading and please follow Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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