Thursday, December 22, 2016

Goodbye 2016

     It is almost time to say goodbye to 2016.  I learned a lot in 2016 in my business and with life.  The thing I learned in life is that I have a guardian Angel.  I know that sounds absolutely crazy, but I really do.  In an earlier post that I wrote The Truth about Fear I talked about my accident where I was hit by a car while riding a bike.  I walked away with seven stitches on my chin, a bruise all down my left leg, and loss skin in two or three places (which not many people can say that happened to them).  I still have to say in some ways I am in shock I was not more seriously injured after the car hit me.  I am surprised I was able to go back to working out just six weeks after my accident. Honestly, I did not think that I would be committed back into my exercise routine like I am today.  I still do IronTribe, but I have also started some home workouts through a program I heard about through a high school friend.  These home workouts have been great for me, because I was able to join an accountability group.  The people in my group give me tips on modifying my workouts and great healthy snack options for work.
     Another thing I have done this year is become more active in my creative life.  I have become more involved with my Instagram through an Instagram group where we try to post every day and comment on everyone else's photos.  I love this, because it gives me great feedback on my photographs.  It also gives me feedback on my gold and silver leaf pieces.
     When it comes to thinking of the New Year and New Goals for 2017 I always say to myself I am going to keep up with my networking.  I also think of how I can get my gold and silver leaf pieces to be seen.  I think of stores that might like them.
     However, the one thing I have to say about 2016 is that you taught me fear is real, but you have to keep going.  You showed me how to keep pushing myself when I wanted to give up.  2016 I have to say I think you taught me some of the best life lessons ever.

Here are a few photos from the trip! Enjoy! 

As always follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more updates and photos!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving is Coming!

     Wow this year has flown by so fast.  It is already time to start thinking of shopping for Christmas presents.  I know many photographers are finishing up their mini sessions and advertising for Santa photos.  They are also putting up some specials for the end of the year.  While this year is quickly coming to a close as a business owner I have to renew my business license.  I am doing all of this while keeping a part-time job, helping my mom with her Christmas cards and delivering some of her Christmas presents to friends, and have a life.  Haha!  Holidays are crazy - with last minute orders and holiday parties.  I sometimes wonder how any and all people who run their own business get it all done?  I think that is why to do lists and organization is key.  
     I would love to hear from you all how you all get everything finished over the holidays.  What do you do to keep your stress level down?  How do you find time for YOURSELF while running your own business?

Leaving you all with a sunset: Take your time this holiday season and enjoy nature.

Keep following me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more photography news.

Monday, October 17, 2016


     It is a Saturday afternoon turning into night while I am sitting here editing some photographs to the background of football.  Photography is my passion so sometimes I have learned I have to do things I would not like to do, but the brilliant thing about photography is I am able to bring my laptop with me to edit photographs wherever I go.  Yay!!  This is really helpful when I am with football fans who do not want me asking questions about what is going on during the game.  My dedication to photography reminds me of how I am sometimes with training my dog.
     My dog is a rescue dog and lately I have gotten compliments on how she is not barking as much when the postal worker is outside the door delivering the mail.  Even when I would love to just sit back and watch a funny TV show I think I have work to do.  I might be in a hurry, but I still take the time to make my dog sit before she exits behind me to go outside or come back inside.  It is hard at times to work constantly, but in the long run I am doing things to help my business succeed.  I take this dedication with me when I am on a vacation and take a job.  I could say no, but I think to myself about my schedule.  I consider how this will effect the others with me. 

Photos from Little River Canyon

Please follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more news!

Friday, August 12, 2016

The Truth about Fear

     Starting a business is scary!  Why did I do it?  Because I wanted to follow my passion of being a photographer.  Sometimes during the first few years of any business or new endeavor we have fears. We have to knock those fears down with our head held high.
     Today, I want to talk to you about an accident that happened to me over the summer.  A little over a month ago while I was on vacation in France with my family a car hit the bike I was riding.  I was in shock, but I was hungry.  While waiting for the ambulance in France with my cousin and his wife and a bunch of people speaking French I was eating m&m's and having some water.  You never know how organized you are until they are asking you for every detail like your medicine, your birthday, your insurance, your passport, and so on.  I had my phone with me so I could take photographs when I was not taking photos them with my DSL camera.  In my phone I had a list of all the medicine I take daily.  I had my passport on me since we were changing hotels, my ID, my health insurance card (like it would really help in another country), and I knew my birthday.  Did you know in Europe when they write down your birthday they write the day then month?
     Since arriving back to the states I have had irrational fears.  I have to keep telling myself I am stronger than I really am.  I walked away from being hit by a car while riding a bike with only seven stitches on my chin, a few places where skin came off, and a big bruise on my leg.  I still however see someone riding a bike with no helmet and want to yell 'idiot' at them or I see a biker not obeying the traffic laws and have a mini panic attack where I have to take a deep breathe to relax.  I see a child riding a bike when I pull into my apartment complex where cars are trying to park (not focusing on the child at all).  I want to say something calmly, but inside my head is saying 'I just got hit by a car please use the sidewalk.'
     The thing about fears whether it be in a business or from an accident it is not always easy.  We have to work hard.  We have to be BRAVE and keep putting our name out their for people to see we are available.  We have to tell people about our unique business and how it might be different from others.  We have to be vulnerable.  We have our supporters who have followed us from the very beginning.  We have people who are spreading our name out in their the community.  We have to do our part and say fear is not going to keep me from what I love doing.  I am going to keep doing my photography.

Thank you for reading and please follow Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Believe in Yourself

     One of the hardest things to do as a photographer, in my opinion, is to believe in yourself.  Sometimes you have a lot of projects that keep you busy and other times you are actively seeking job opportunities.  Recently, I had an accident while traveling through France with my family on vacation.  It could have been way more serious than it ended up being.  While being in France I enjoyed traveling on bikes through the countryside and experiencing the culture.  It is not everyday any of us get to be a part of new cultures in general.
     Photography is more than art to me.  It is my way of being who I am.  I express myself through my photography and I find myself in different ways when I am able to find something I want to remember forever.  I see poppy fields and immediately think my dad would love this.

Poppy Field in the French Countryside

     Besides being enjoying the French countryside I saw a movie being filmed in a small town, a coffee shop I remembered enjoying with my family on a previous trip to Paris, France.  Half of the time I was traveling I was enjoying every aspect of the trip with my family and the other half I was injured.  I kept going, because I thought to myself when will be the next time I am able to come back to this place.  I am a travel photographer at heart and that was one of my motivations that kept me out exploring France.  If I am able to walk throughout France after an accident than we should all believe in ourselves!

Movie being filmed in France

Beautiful Fields in France

As always thank you for reading and follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for more news in my photography world!

Sunday, June 5, 2016


     First of all let me just start with telling you my schedule got a bit hectic after the Preschool Partners Food Truck Round Up and Art Show.  I was so happy with how many people were interested in my work and the contacts I made.  I have reached out to most of those people and heard back from some about working with them on commissions.  Yay!  I have also finished working on two commissions for two clients who showed me great appreciation.  This type of thing always makes me happy.  One thing if you have not heard from me, but you have probably heard it from one of your parents.  When going to an event where you are going to make contacts, 'make sure you have a pen and a piece of paper handy.'  This is great advice for probably many reasons, but let me give you the most important one I can tell you off hand.  I have gathered from people watching that people take your business cards and they say, 'they like your work or are interested in it.'  They however will never contact you, because everyone has so much going on that we all forget things.  This is way in business you have to be proactive in getting more clients.  You need to make sure you write their contact information down for yourself.  This might seem like an extra thing to do, but trust me it will help grow your business.  Another thing that I have been doing is stepping out of my comfort zone a whole bunch.  I try to put my name out there for people to see it, which it is starting to work more and more.  That might seem like little things to all of you, but to me I am jumping with joy each day someone is happy with my work.  Honestly, even with my crazy schedule I have found time to re-train my dog which is in turn teaching me how everyday I have to keep learning something new in my business.  It is also teaching me how I need to be diligent with everything I do whether it is photography or another part of my life.

Image found through 

Thank you so much for reading!  Please follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Sunday, May 1, 2016


     I am one of those photographers who likes to plan things out and know her schedule for the week.  During my free time I will write down the things that I hope to accomplish and I always add things like walk my dog, workout, grocery store, laundry, etc.  It is not that I am likely to forget to do those things, but with an art show coming up benefiting PreSchool Partners I sometimes focus more on my artwork.  That may happen to other photographers and artists similar to me.
     The thing I have come realize as each year I gain new customers and my photography business grows that I have to make decisions that benefit me both in my personal and professional life.  I started to realize I need to make clear deadlines and guidelines for some of the work I do.  This will help benefit me from getting stressed when I have to rush through a project last minute.  I try to figure out when my clients need they pieces they have ordered by and work with a deadline.  Usually I create my own deadline if someone does not give me one.  My photography journal that has all my assignments in it has the steps that I need to do for each project and I put a check mark by each finished step.
     I apply the techniques that I followed in boarding school with trying to be finished with all my work by a certain time through out the day so I will be well rested.  This might mean I work some on the weekends, but so far I have been able to edit photographs from engagement parties and return them within a week.
     Anyways, back to finishing up last minute pieces for the PreSchool Partners Food Truck Round-Up and Art Show this Saturday, May 7 at the Summit from 11 a.m. till 2 p.m.

And do not forget to go outside and explore the world around you!

As always follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more updates!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Three Year Anniversary!

     Did you know that every thing that you have done in your life helps you with photography?  Whether it is what you learned in high school, your school projects, your extracurricular activities, team sports, chores, or recitals?  It all helps with running your own business, talking about your art work or even the social media aspect?  The math I learned in school or at least some of the math helps me with my business taxes.  Then there is the fact that you have to write thank you letters which without English I would have way more grammar errors.  Some businesses have a catch phrase or even a slogan which you learn through a business class.  I do appreciate my education as every year around Saint Patrick's Day I think of how when I finished my college experience three years ago and hit the ground running.  For example: a month after I graduated I started my business Allie Ray Photography, had found an apartment, and even rescued a dog.  I sometimes laugh when I think of this and think I did this all backwards.  I was supposed to find a job not start my dream job at 23. 
     Today, as I think of these accomplishments I also think of how I describe my work to people.  I have been thinking of this after I described it to many people at my First solo art show in Leeds, Alabama on March 6th where my work will be featured all month at the Leeds Theatre and Art Center.  The first thing I realized is explaining my work is harder than I thought it would be.  I have learned I have to explain things in simple terms and that it takes time to get people to see how unique my work is.  I enjoy explaining my work to my relatives or people I know really well so they are able to give me feedback.  I wish everyday I could have an art show and find the right people to buy my work.  The thing I keep reminding myself is being an artist is 'yes this is my dream, but it will not always pay the bills.'  I do have a part time job, babysit and more, but my photography is always close to me keep me grounded.  Here are some photographs of the set up from the event and you are still able to go see until April 1st!

As always please follow Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more photography news!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Toot Your Horn

Hello once again my avid blog readers!!
     My photography if you did not know it is my safe place to express myself when the world around me gets crazy.  When I happen to get a great review, my name in the paper, or some acknowledgement for my my I get butterflies.  These are not the type of butterflies you get when falling in love, but the kind you get from pure satisfaction of a job well done.  Here is the article that my sister helped me edit for an upcoming art show.  When I say edit I mean without her it would sound like a third grade level paper maybe sixth grade level paper.  Anyways,  I just have been shouting out to the world my good news or as some wise women once told me to do toot your own horn.  Honestly, I have learned over the years that you are your worst and best critic.  I am not the exact person who first said this, but I will always remember this.  That is why I try to be proud of all my accomplishments big or small.  I feel proud of the praise from others, but I try to keep myself in check with who I really am as a person.  So I have been posting tons of information about the show for Leeds Art Council at the Leeds Theatre and Arts Center on March 6th 1:30 to 3:30 pm is the opening reception on my social media outlets.  All while doing some celebratory dancing!  I hope you all can make it to one of the days the gallery is opened.

As always follow me on my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages for more information!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

March will be Busy!

     First, I am excited to announce I will be the featured artist for a month for the Leeds Art Council in March.  You can find out more information here and your can see the other artists that will be featured each month here.  Now of course I was jumping up and down.  And I was very excited to know that the hanging of my pieces will be able to work around my other jobs and that it is the weekend before I am photographing a wedding.  A wedding and being the artist of the month in March is just a dream to me.
     Now, I want to tell you about something I witnessed at my part-time job this week.  They were getting ready for a photo shoot and I was able to see them do the make up and hair on one of my colleagues which was so fun for me.  But I could tell by her posture and that she was not enjoying it.  I know some of us do not love having our photographs taken.  I am one of them.  I will admit that you have to get me laughing so you are able to get my natural smile.  That is why when I take photographs I am watching my clients.  I was taking a Christmas card for my aunt and my uncle looked so stiff basically unhappy.  I told him and he laughed.  After uploading the photos the laptop my aunt was happy I told him, because you could see a big difference in his smiles.  I have learned as a photographer you have to be honest with your clients.  If they are not comfortable with having their photo taken talk to them for a while.  I would not go right into photographing someone who is uncomfortable.  It may take a few tries, but in the end it will be worth it.
     I will show you more photographs in my next blog after I go take some photographs at a fabulous Engagement Party!  I really do love photographing all types of events and doing all your commissions.

Keep following me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more news and updates.