Tuesday, June 2, 2015


     My mom gave me this idea for my photography a while back after she talked to one of her last connections with the SAE house at Vanderbilt.  She gave me the idea of taking photographs of the sororities and fraternities at Alabama and Auburn and of course other places that mean something to the students.  Since of course I really do not know my way around the University of Alabama I have this really kind neighbor who is willing to drive down with me on a Saturday and take photographs with me.  This is getting me super super excited about this summer and what is in store for me with my photography.  I remember learning about copyright and my neighbor has already sent an email to a friend at the University and they said it should be fine for me to take photographs and then sell them!  I am here thinking I am so glad I have this wonderful neighbor who loves my art and is willing to help me.  That is the thing I have been learning a lot about recently.  I have some really big supporters who would be willing to be do a lot of things to help me out.
     I have counselors from camp who have seen me recently who have let me take photographs from the rooftop of the building where they work.  I am not sure how I was able to get this lucky with people who are willing to help me out in the smallest way, but it feels like the biggest deal to me.  I never know how I could ever THANK them enough for all their support and kindness they are showing me while I am doing what I love.  I am photographing whenever I am able too.  Recently, I photographed downtown Birmingham from a rooftop, took some photos at the PreSchool Partners Food Truck Round Up and Art Show, my mom's new puppy, and hiking in Highlands, NC.  All these different things show how diverse I am as an artist and how I will photograph anything to keep practice.
     For me photography is seeing the smile on people's faces when they see my work.  It is also about seeing how many people are able to come together for art.

Thank you so much for reading the blog and please follow Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for more updates!

1 comment:

  1. That is so exciting, Alice! I'm glad you have so many wonderful supporters!
