Sunday, May 1, 2016


     I am one of those photographers who likes to plan things out and know her schedule for the week.  During my free time I will write down the things that I hope to accomplish and I always add things like walk my dog, workout, grocery store, laundry, etc.  It is not that I am likely to forget to do those things, but with an art show coming up benefiting PreSchool Partners I sometimes focus more on my artwork.  That may happen to other photographers and artists similar to me.
     The thing I have come realize as each year I gain new customers and my photography business grows that I have to make decisions that benefit me both in my personal and professional life.  I started to realize I need to make clear deadlines and guidelines for some of the work I do.  This will help benefit me from getting stressed when I have to rush through a project last minute.  I try to figure out when my clients need they pieces they have ordered by and work with a deadline.  Usually I create my own deadline if someone does not give me one.  My photography journal that has all my assignments in it has the steps that I need to do for each project and I put a check mark by each finished step.
     I apply the techniques that I followed in boarding school with trying to be finished with all my work by a certain time through out the day so I will be well rested.  This might mean I work some on the weekends, but so far I have been able to edit photographs from engagement parties and return them within a week.
     Anyways, back to finishing up last minute pieces for the PreSchool Partners Food Truck Round-Up and Art Show this Saturday, May 7 at the Summit from 11 a.m. till 2 p.m.

And do not forget to go outside and explore the world around you!

As always follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more updates!