Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year, New Goals

     Hello my avid Allie Ray Photography blog readers.  Lately, I have been reading blog pieces and following photography groups on Twitter and Linkedin.com.  One of my favorite articles, I looked at this week was on the Twitter page of Adorama (to follow them click here).  This one article written by Mason Resnick tells you how he is being proactive in marketing his photo business (here is the link).  I feel like I could take a few tips from this guy, especially since I have seen a lot of people getting engaged recently on social media.  I know I have some wonderful supporters out there who will help me get more clients, but the harder I work on getting my business known then I will be able to travel.
     I have made goals for my business and I will keep on making more.  I have started testing and using a bigger flexible cutting board.  But in general I feel like I have accomplished so much in being able to talk more about my art.  I am able to explain what I do and the process without looking at someone help.  I have found a new belief in myself.  I have tried photographing new things and have expanded what I like to photograph.  A new year brings a new list of potential customers, new possibilities, new growth, and expanding whatever it maybe I desire.  All I can say is 2014 was good to me and I am ready for 2015.  Here are some of the final things I did this year.

This image was done for a friend on silver leaf 9x12 inches woodblock 

This image was done when I was trying to choose what to give someone for Christmas. Silver leaf 8x8 inches woodblock

Thank you for reading my blog and please follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Etsy, and Instagram.  I hope you have a wonderful New Years Eve and New Years Day.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Setbacks make us Stronger

     I have been thinking a lot lately about setbacks and how sometimes we need a little of motivation.  Setbacks come when we least except them too, but the thing that will get us through it is HOPE.  I am telling you avid blog readers this today, because yesterday I went to the doctor for a heel issue.  I was thinking it was only a stone bruise, but it turns out I somehow sprained my posterior tibial.  I am happy to say I am wearing a lovely boot cast and with this cast I will still be able to do my photography.  YAY!  I will still be able to do normal things.  The only setback I have is that I will have to lighten up on exercise (nothing to hardcore).  When I first heard that I was definitely disappointed, but then I began thinking this gives me a lot of time to explore new things.
     Here are some of the things I began thinking of: I will be able to do some research on my next photography job and maybe try to make something similar to it.  I will be able to work on social media, and take new pictures.  This past Tuesday, even though my heel was hurting I went to explore my cousin's farm and was able to take some pictures of the horses.  I have been around horses when I rode them when I was in elementary school and even when I attended camp.  The thing I really enjoyed was the horse let me pet him or her.  The experience of seeing any animal again (after many years) and them letting you touch him or her is so rewarding.  I was able to watch them eat.  Yes, I do not want to walk around with a boot for 4 weeks, but I am able to still do things which makes me thankful.  Here are a few pictures of the horses and the farm from the other day.

Thank you for reading my blog! Please follow me on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and Etsy.  Happy Holidays from Allie Ray Photography!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Holidays

     It is that time of year when somehow everyone is shopping at the same time and there are no parking places.  Christmas cards are being sent out and everyone wants them to be perfect!  Do not worry if you have more than one girl -- there is always one card where everyone looks great (that was not the case for me).  I had a few years of Christmas cards in which I looked horrible, but for some reason my dad liked one of those pictures and it was on his dresser for years.
     We have all these wonderful Christmas parties coming up and we have to make sure we have our red or green sweaters so we look festive.  We have to put our decorations out that only stay up for 25 days if we are lucky enough to have put them up the first day of December or we wait until after New Years to take them down.  If we are lucky we have little helpers to help us out with all this. 
     Today, was my second Christmas party and I was so excited about it.  It was hosted by my mom and my aunt.  The thing I do wish though is that someone would host a Tacky Christmas Party with me.  I always see pictures during the holidays of people with reindeer antlers and fun sweaters; which makes me want to host a party like that one day.  I just need someones help and maybe a few more Christmas decorations.  I love looking at people's Christmas china, the way they decorate their trees, and all the different decorations around people's houses when invited to a party.  Every tree is so different.  That is the thing about the holidays everything is so unique which makes it so SPECIAL!  I really enjoy this time of year and getting Christmas cards in the mail.  Christmas cards can give you great ideas for family photos year around.  Here are a few pictures from the party the other day.  Of course, I took one of the tree.  

Thank you so much for reading my blog.  Please follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Etsy.  Have a great Holiday season and if you need any last minute gift ideas I can make print a photograph for you and put it on a gold or silver leaf woodblock.