Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A Pat on the Back

     I feel like every once in a while we all deserve to give ourselves a pat on the back.  I am saying this, because for the past 5 to 6 years I have always acted like the month of September does not exist. I know that sounds crazy, right.  Well, I am just so overjoyed that this month I was able to help some family friends finish their Christmas card.  I know this seems very early, but think about all the hard work that is put into a Christmas card every year.  We try to find a picture that everyone in the family agrees on.  In my family I somehow got the short end of the stick a few years running.  If I could I would shred every last one of that particular card.  My dad has this one framed in his office (its not there anymore).  The Christmas cards are sent out to all your parents friends and family.  Peoples addresses change so we have to find the new address, buy the stamps, mail them, and the post office is sometimes slow over the Holidays.
     Enough with why I would start early on Christmas cards and back to my business.  I am a very shy person so I sometimes feel like my family who loves me a ton is worried that I will never get my business to where I really want it to be.  That is why I have signed up for Birmingham Art Crawl.  This way I can try and get myself out of my lovely shell.  I have to admit I am nervous, but I know that this will be a good thing for me.  It will help me with discussing my work without someone trying to explain it for me.  I will also get a feel for what people like when it comes to art and photography.  I have no clue how the event will turn out, but I will let you know that I am creating a few new pieces for it.

As always please follow my Facebook page and Instagram to find out more about my work. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Who Am I?

     Today, I want to take a little time telling you about who I am.  I am person who loves to photograph to express myself, because I do not know how people will react when I tell people my stories.  I enjoy traveling and trying new things.  Trying new things is more like swinging from a rope swing in Costa Rica along with everyone else in the family or hiking on a new trail.  Trying new foods is coming along.  I have never felt like I have fit into one place, so when I see people doing something brave that makes me feel two things: 1. I want to one day to find the courage to step out of my comfortable shell and 2. Those people rock for doing that.  That is why I challenged myself in a way this month.  I have been trying new things.
     The new things I have been trying is a bible study and a kickball league.  But for my artwork,  I am trying anything to get my name out there.  I decided after seeing Birmingham Art Crawl on Twitter and reading more about it on the website ( to sign up.  I have no clue what the results will be, but I am trying to think positive.  The only thing I do know is that I have my family and friends as my supporters.
     So who am I?  I am someone who is trying to be brave and show people what I can with my photography.  I am trying to use my resources to find the ways.  I am stepping out of my comfort zone to do this.  This might be hard for me, but I express myself through my photography.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

New Opportunities

     This month I have been trying to find more opportunities for my business.  I have made an Etsy account, which here is the link to see it.  I did an art show at the end of last month, which went well.  I just wish I was better at marketing my self.  I have talked to two marketing people and I have the social media such as: LinkenIn, Facebook Page, Blog, Twitter, and Instagram.  I am just one person, so I have to work extremely hard to get my name out there.  I wish there were ways of making it all come together.  People say they like what I do, but it is the buying of my work that I feel is not happening.  
     Enough about trying to get my name out in the world.  I took photographs of my nephew at his birthday party and he was just so handsome and especially funny while he was eating his cake.  I really enjoyed watching him smashing his cake and getting the icing in his cake.  Everything about his birthday was special and the theme and decorations were perfect.  

     I was just so thrilled and honored that my sister-in-law trusted me enough to take the photographs at my nephew's first birthday.  I am so glad I will be able to take more pictures as he grows up and be able to capture his smile and all his emotions on this journey.  Photographing my nephew makes for great opportunities.