Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year, New Goals

     Hello my avid Allie Ray Photography blog readers.  Lately, I have been reading blog pieces and following photography groups on Twitter and Linkedin.com.  One of my favorite articles, I looked at this week was on the Twitter page of Adorama (to follow them click here).  This one article written by Mason Resnick tells you how he is being proactive in marketing his photo business (here is the link).  I feel like I could take a few tips from this guy, especially since I have seen a lot of people getting engaged recently on social media.  I know I have some wonderful supporters out there who will help me get more clients, but the harder I work on getting my business known then I will be able to travel.
     I have made goals for my business and I will keep on making more.  I have started testing and using a bigger flexible cutting board.  But in general I feel like I have accomplished so much in being able to talk more about my art.  I am able to explain what I do and the process without looking at someone help.  I have found a new belief in myself.  I have tried photographing new things and have expanded what I like to photograph.  A new year brings a new list of potential customers, new possibilities, new growth, and expanding whatever it maybe I desire.  All I can say is 2014 was good to me and I am ready for 2015.  Here are some of the final things I did this year.

This image was done for a friend on silver leaf 9x12 inches woodblock 

This image was done when I was trying to choose what to give someone for Christmas. Silver leaf 8x8 inches woodblock

Thank you for reading my blog and please follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Etsy, and Instagram.  I hope you have a wonderful New Years Eve and New Years Day.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Setbacks make us Stronger

     I have been thinking a lot lately about setbacks and how sometimes we need a little of motivation.  Setbacks come when we least except them too, but the thing that will get us through it is HOPE.  I am telling you avid blog readers this today, because yesterday I went to the doctor for a heel issue.  I was thinking it was only a stone bruise, but it turns out I somehow sprained my posterior tibial.  I am happy to say I am wearing a lovely boot cast and with this cast I will still be able to do my photography.  YAY!  I will still be able to do normal things.  The only setback I have is that I will have to lighten up on exercise (nothing to hardcore).  When I first heard that I was definitely disappointed, but then I began thinking this gives me a lot of time to explore new things.
     Here are some of the things I began thinking of: I will be able to do some research on my next photography job and maybe try to make something similar to it.  I will be able to work on social media, and take new pictures.  This past Tuesday, even though my heel was hurting I went to explore my cousin's farm and was able to take some pictures of the horses.  I have been around horses when I rode them when I was in elementary school and even when I attended camp.  The thing I really enjoyed was the horse let me pet him or her.  The experience of seeing any animal again (after many years) and them letting you touch him or her is so rewarding.  I was able to watch them eat.  Yes, I do not want to walk around with a boot for 4 weeks, but I am able to still do things which makes me thankful.  Here are a few pictures of the horses and the farm from the other day.

Thank you for reading my blog! Please follow me on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and Etsy.  Happy Holidays from Allie Ray Photography!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Holidays

     It is that time of year when somehow everyone is shopping at the same time and there are no parking places.  Christmas cards are being sent out and everyone wants them to be perfect!  Do not worry if you have more than one girl -- there is always one card where everyone looks great (that was not the case for me).  I had a few years of Christmas cards in which I looked horrible, but for some reason my dad liked one of those pictures and it was on his dresser for years.
     We have all these wonderful Christmas parties coming up and we have to make sure we have our red or green sweaters so we look festive.  We have to put our decorations out that only stay up for 25 days if we are lucky enough to have put them up the first day of December or we wait until after New Years to take them down.  If we are lucky we have little helpers to help us out with all this. 
     Today, was my second Christmas party and I was so excited about it.  It was hosted by my mom and my aunt.  The thing I do wish though is that someone would host a Tacky Christmas Party with me.  I always see pictures during the holidays of people with reindeer antlers and fun sweaters; which makes me want to host a party like that one day.  I just need someones help and maybe a few more Christmas decorations.  I love looking at people's Christmas china, the way they decorate their trees, and all the different decorations around people's houses when invited to a party.  Every tree is so different.  That is the thing about the holidays everything is so unique which makes it so SPECIAL!  I really enjoy this time of year and getting Christmas cards in the mail.  Christmas cards can give you great ideas for family photos year around.  Here are a few pictures from the party the other day.  Of course, I took one of the tree.  

Thank you so much for reading my blog.  Please follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Etsy.  Have a great Holiday season and if you need any last minute gift ideas I can make print a photograph for you and put it on a gold or silver leaf woodblock.  

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Giving Thanks!

     I am ready for this wonderful holiday that is this Thursday called Thanksgiving.  I know for some it goes a little unrecognized, but for me it has been the only holiday that has stayed a somewhat constant after all the changes in my life.  My relatives always ask me how my photography is going, which I am happy to answer them.  We spend days together catching up and Thanksgiving was the first time anyone really took the time to celebrate my 21st birthday (a month and half later) at a bar.  I mean I know that might not mean much to some people.  As I have grown up, I have learned a few things.  You are the one who makes your own happiness and I know that is quote by someone, but it is so true.  If you want to celebrate your birthday; I say call your friends and ask them to join you.  Thanksgiving is all about giving THANKS and I am thankful that I have started my own company as a photographer.  I em enjoying doing what I love and see happy customers in return.  I am so thankful that my friends and family are supporting me.  I am just so glad and thankful that I am able to do what I love.
     I have been honored this past month to do two commissions, help with some wedding albums, put my work in a new store called A'mano and even work on some Christmas card pictures!  I wish I could post some of those up now, but I have to wait until after the holidays.

As always thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Please follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Etsy.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Finding Art

     Today, I want to go into more detail why I started a photography business and more about my inspirations when photographing.  When it comes to photographing nature I think about all the wonderful experiences I had with my dad.  My dad loved nature more than anyone I know.  While we were growing up he pointed out the sunsets to my brother, sister, and I from our back porch.  Now, whenever I see a sunset I think of him.  Another experience I had with my dad and nature is we would be driving in the mountains along the curvy roads and he would point out the beautiful scenery to us.  Some of my favorite things to do while hiking is to sit and just let all the scenery soak in, because it can change in a heartbeat.  He taught me how to appreciate the little things like: flowers, beautiful views, sunsets, and many more things about nature all while on our family trips.  My dad loved art, and he would always be willing to point out a Monet or Manet painting or one of the artists from French Impressionists era.  He gave me drawing books while growing up.  He helped my mom name her paintings whenever she showed him a finished painting.  Today, I wish he was here to see how I am pursing my dream of photography in honor of him.
     My dad passed away 6 years ago, but I think of him daily when I photograph, create my pieces on silver or gold leaf, and love how my senior project in photography was a book about him.  It might have taken me all of college to finally open up about my dad, but I did have a few good professors who knew I was strong and knew what I should be looking for when I graduated.
     In his honor, I am taking pictures whenever I travel whether it is on my iPhone or my DSL camera.  I always try to also always get a picture with the people I am with, since there is one photograph I wish I had gotten, but I never did.  So for that reason I will be taking photographs for keepsake and to remember the good times whether they are at the Halloween Parade with my nephew, dinner with my friends, or even a party I am taking pictures at I will have some candid shots along with the posed ones. I might even try and take pictures of dogs even if they are shy of the camera.

The book I made my senior year at SCAD.

Thank you for reading and as always keeping following my Facebook page, Twitter, Etsy, and Instagram.  Holiday promotion on Facebook until November 20th if you follow three or more of my social media sites you receive 10% off your total order.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


     Yesterday was Halloween and I went to the Halloween Parade in the village with my nephew and my sister-in-law.  I was so excited to see all the children dressed up and so exited.  The people on the floats were throwing candy, miniature footballs, pencils, spider rings, and much more.  Parents were watching their children and making sure they did not go to far in the street to get the candy.  It was so fun seeing my nephew smile at the balloons passing by, but he was dressed as an alligator with his hat off.  It was so funny, because whenever my sister-in-law or I tried to put the hat on he was so cute when he started crying.  Who has not been through this issue at least once?  I used to complain about my costumes before going trick or treating, because they were too itchy.  I understand exactly how all the kids feel when they start disliking a part of their costume.
     I was taking pictures at the parade and some of them were a little fuzzy, because as you know things are not always still when you take a picture, so you have to make sure you have your settings when you are taking photographs at any event correct.  You may have to do some test shots, which is always a good idea.  As always I am still learning and photographing anything that means something to me.


Thank you for reading and please follow me on Facebook, Intsagram, Twitter, or my website.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Photo Editing

     Over the weekend I was at a birthday party taking pictures.  The birthday girl turned 1! Her family and my family have known each other for as long as I can remember.  My nephew was invited to her party and when he showed up he saw the balloons which he immediately called 'balls' in his cute adorable voice.  For my nephew anything that is round is a ball (balloon, pumpkins, etc.) and that means he can throw/toss it.  I saw this opportunity to photograph the birthday girl coming towards me and her new toy (which of course I thought I had gotten), but when I looked through the pictures while uploading them there was a pink balloon in the way which my nephew had put in front of her face (by accident).  Of course, to me that is both hilarious and sad at the same time.  Today, we know that all to well as photobombs.  I for one can not blame any one year old for ruining a photograph, because they are so young.  Their eyes are so sensitive and they do not like the sun shining on them (but then again who does).

     As a photographer, I am learning yes I do take a tons of pictures when I am at an event which is a good and bad thing.  It is a good thing, because when your nephew shows up you think 'Oh my goodness look how cute he is playing with the balloons,' and you have to remember I am here on a job taking pictures of someone else not who I want to photograph.  It is a bad thing, because when you begin editing them there are a ton to narrow down.  But at least I will have enough to choose from and hopefully make the clients happy and want to use me again.
     Here are a few more pictures from the birthday party that capture the birthday girl.  I am so glad that I was there to capture the event for the family.


Thank you for reading my blog and do not forget to keep checking out my Facebook page, Twitter page, Instagram, and my website for more news on what I am doing.  

Friday, October 3, 2014


     When those birthdays where you turn life changing ages such as 13, 18, 21, 25 and so on come along I feel like you begin realizing everything that you have ever done with your life.  That is at least what I have been doing.  It started when I was on Facebook and friends would post things from Buzzfeed or ThoughtCatalog.  After reading the posts for a few months, I began to realize how this was not helping me in any way.  Instead, I emailed and asked people who I respected what they wish they had done or known by 25.  I have received a lot of good feedback and I have started doing some of the advice.
     The thing is I am realizing that I need to be able to take and accept advice for my business; realize when I might need help; and everyday is a learning process.  I am glad that I started this business Allie Ray Photography because I have this rare opportunity to show people the way I like to print my photography on different mediums.  People have asked me what is it like to run your own business and that is a tough question to answer.  The thing is I am different from what you might think an artist might be like.  I am very organized.  I have a certain way to do things and when something is out of place I can tell.  This is good when you run your own business.
     Another thing I have begun realizing is that you have to be brave.  Brave has several different meanings, but when I think about brave I think about putting my artwork out there for people to see.  People will begin to criticize your work in good and bad ways, which you have to remember to put one foot in front of the other to keep doing what you love.  I might want to go travel to find the right photograph for what I think people will like.  In order for me to keep my dream going I have been digging deep inside myself for courage, bravery, and everything in between.  So, to all you potential dreamers out there never give up on your dream.

"Photography is an art of observation. It has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them." ~Elliott Erwitt

Follow on Facebook and Instagram for more pictures and posts! 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A Pat on the Back

     I feel like every once in a while we all deserve to give ourselves a pat on the back.  I am saying this, because for the past 5 to 6 years I have always acted like the month of September does not exist. I know that sounds crazy, right.  Well, I am just so overjoyed that this month I was able to help some family friends finish their Christmas card.  I know this seems very early, but think about all the hard work that is put into a Christmas card every year.  We try to find a picture that everyone in the family agrees on.  In my family I somehow got the short end of the stick a few years running.  If I could I would shred every last one of that particular card.  My dad has this one framed in his office (its not there anymore).  The Christmas cards are sent out to all your parents friends and family.  Peoples addresses change so we have to find the new address, buy the stamps, mail them, and the post office is sometimes slow over the Holidays.
     Enough with why I would start early on Christmas cards and back to my business.  I am a very shy person so I sometimes feel like my family who loves me a ton is worried that I will never get my business to where I really want it to be.  That is why I have signed up for Birmingham Art Crawl.  This way I can try and get myself out of my lovely shell.  I have to admit I am nervous, but I know that this will be a good thing for me.  It will help me with discussing my work without someone trying to explain it for me.  I will also get a feel for what people like when it comes to art and photography.  I have no clue how the event will turn out, but I will let you know that I am creating a few new pieces for it.

As always please follow my Facebook page and Instagram to find out more about my work. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Who Am I?

     Today, I want to take a little time telling you about who I am.  I am person who loves to photograph to express myself, because I do not know how people will react when I tell people my stories.  I enjoy traveling and trying new things.  Trying new things is more like swinging from a rope swing in Costa Rica along with everyone else in the family or hiking on a new trail.  Trying new foods is coming along.  I have never felt like I have fit into one place, so when I see people doing something brave that makes me feel two things: 1. I want to one day to find the courage to step out of my comfortable shell and 2. Those people rock for doing that.  That is why I challenged myself in a way this month.  I have been trying new things.
     The new things I have been trying is a bible study and a kickball league.  But for my artwork,  I am trying anything to get my name out there.  I decided after seeing Birmingham Art Crawl on Twitter and reading more about it on the website (http://birminghamartcrawl.com) to sign up.  I have no clue what the results will be, but I am trying to think positive.  The only thing I do know is that I have my family and friends as my supporters.
     So who am I?  I am someone who is trying to be brave and show people what I can with my photography.  I am trying to use my resources to find the ways.  I am stepping out of my comfort zone to do this.  This might be hard for me, but I express myself through my photography.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

New Opportunities

     This month I have been trying to find more opportunities for my business.  I have made an Etsy account, which here is the link https://www.etsy.com/shop/UniquePrintingAllie?ref=hdr_shop_menu to see it.  I did an art show at the end of last month, which went well.  I just wish I was better at marketing my self.  I have talked to two marketing people and I have the social media such as: LinkenIn, Facebook Page, Blog, Twitter, and Instagram.  I am just one person, so I have to work extremely hard to get my name out there.  I wish there were ways of making it all come together.  People say they like what I do, but it is the buying of my work that I feel is not happening.  
     Enough about trying to get my name out in the world.  I took photographs of my nephew at his birthday party and he was just so handsome and especially funny while he was eating his cake.  I really enjoyed watching him smashing his cake and getting the icing in his cake.  Everything about his birthday was special and the theme and decorations were perfect.  

     I was just so thrilled and honored that my sister-in-law trusted me enough to take the photographs at my nephew's first birthday.  I am so glad I will be able to take more pictures as he grows up and be able to capture his smile and all his emotions on this journey.  Photographing my nephew makes for great opportunities.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


     This week I have been trying to find more inspiration, since I am one of those people who really enjoys to travel.  I haven't had time to travel as much as I would like since I wanted to babysit some this summer to earn money for my photography.  It has been very rewarding to get to know the two kids over the summer.  Although, I have been to several different places with my family on our trips and I have done some traveling on my own.  I have just felt the need lately to go somewhere outside of my hometown even if it is for a day or two.  I sometimes get inspired the most by seeing new things and traveling.
    When getting ready for my upcoming art show I was looking back through my photographs that I had taken over the past year.  I realized they were all from different hikes that I have taken in the mountains and the last time I went to the beach in February.  I then began to think when will be the next time I am going to the lake or beach.  This month I have been taking photographs of my nephew who turned one and I started editing his pictures.  I also have been working hard to finish getting ready for this art show, while trying to work out.
    How do I find my inspiration to keep going?  I think of how I saw my nephew walk on his birthday.  I have the some of the best supporters like my friends and family.  My dog who even though she wants to protect me can be scared of the tiniest thing, like wall ball slams.  I think of the little things, because my family helps me.  They inspire me and they believe in me.  It is seeing how my friends child was shy around me and then she wanted to hold my the whole time I was visiting.  Inspiration is all around me and sometimes I just have to find it.    
    Here are two of the mixed media photography pieces I will be showing in the art show.      

"Hole in One"

"Afternoon Mist"

Monday, July 14, 2014

Talking to Others

In college, we had this assignment where we had to come up with at least 10 questions to ask a photographer in the field we would hope to one day follow.  My dream job was and still is today to be a travel photographer, but that will take some time to achieve that goal.  I am not giving up on that quest just yet.  We had to find 10 photographers to email and I had two responses from photographers which I thought was great!  After talking to one of the photographers named Alison Wright who does work with National Geographic; I decide to read her book.  Her book called Learning to Breathe: One Woman's Journey of Spirit and Survival made me want to travel even more.  I decided to try and use what I had heard from our conversation on a trip I was going on with my family to see if I could capture the culture and the people while taking photographs.

These three pictures are probably my favorite from my trip, but I tried to do some things that were out of the ordinary for me which included trying to talk to the tour guides.  I tried to immerse myself more into the culture by researching the area and asking questions.  This was a way for me to expand my photography technique.

Recently, I have been talking to some other photographers and this week I will be able to talk to him about his travel photography experience.  I am looking forward to know what he does and hear his take on trying to bring everything about a culture together within a photograph.  I am hoping by talking to these photographers I will be able to apply it to my own photography.

As always keep following Allie Ray Photography on Facebook for more updates.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Finding a Balance

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about how glad I am that I started my own business.  There are many reasons for this, but just to name a few they are: I get to set my own schedule; I am able to enjoy the printing techniques I learned in college; and I am able to spend time with my family and dog.  My dog is a rescue dog, so she will always feel very anxious when I go on errands and when I get back she is very excited.  She requires a lot of TLC.

The hard thing is with this economy I have not SPREAD THE WORD as much as I would have liked.  I have been using a Facebook page, twitter, Instagram, sending e-mails, and spreading the word by talking about my work.  I even sent out postcards to people over the holidays.  I have been doing things to keep busy such as making slideshows for my cousin's wedding, which somehow I keep getting asked to do that for every family wedding (I guess I am better at using computers than I thought).  Other things I do to earn money are helping out my family which can be a good and a bad thing.  It is a good thing, because I want them to know I am there for them so they will help me.  The bad part is when I actually need some time to do work they think I can automatically do it.  The thing is I want to be helpful and do things for my family, but how can I also do that and SPREAD THE WORD?  Right now, I am trying to find a balance so I have decided to babysit, which in itself is good money and you can be a good role model for kids.

I have all these ideas for my work, but how am I going to be able to pursue them without getting my name out there?  I use social media and I talk about my work.  My family talks about my work.  What else can I do to become an established photographer in 2014?

This is a custom photograph sent to me by a family member that I gave to another family member for a birthday present. This was put on wood block with silver leaf on the background. 

This photograph I took of a family friend's dog Punkin. Punkin's picture was put on wood block with silver leaf on the background. 

To find out other works I have done follow Allie Ray Photography on Facebook or find me on Instagram!

Thank you! Help Spread the Word!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Always Learning

Once you start photography you begin learning about other photographers.  It has now been a year since I have graduated college and while in college I learned about the history of photography.  I learned about the well known photographers, but now as I have started my own business I have begun learning about the competition or the other photographers in the area.  Everyone of them has strengths and weaknesses.  Like every new business owner you always want to hold your head high and just learn everything you can.  Practice as much as you can, so that is why I bring my camera with me everywhere I go.  I might just be going to the beach to get some sun or on a hike with the family, but you never know what might just be something that you can sell.  All I can say for now is never stop learning.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Starting a New Business

One thing I never thought I would do right when I graduated college was start my own business.  I do enjoy every part of it, but it has taught me a lot about myself as a person.  I have learned I need to step out of the shell I am hiding underneath and say, 'Hey guess what world I started a business!'  Meaning I need to be willing to talk about myself and what I am doing.  Growing up as this shy girl means I have to be willing to step up and talk to these people who are friends of mine and tell them what I do.  Now, what exactly do I do?  Great question.  I do multi-media art work using my photography.  I make digital skins and when I showed my mom what they looked like she said, 'they look like saran wrap.'  I put gold leaf or silver leaf on wood blocks and when I put the digital skin on top of the wood block I sometimes feel it gives the photograph an antique look.  Since starting my business I have some of my pieces that I do multiple images of at Seibels a local store where I live and I also have doing custom work.  I even have been taking photographs of houses for real estate agencies to give as gifts.  Not only am I enjoying what I am doing, but I am also able to print regular prints out on paper.  I feel like this is only the beginning.  I know that I have just started, but I am happy where I am doing what I love.

These are few of the pieces I have been working on for the past couple of months.  I have enjoyed being able to travel to take some of these pictures.  I think the best part of starting this business is that when I get a time where I am not as busy I am to still go out and take pictures for my work.  Good luck to everyone who is starting their careers in the business world.